

时间:2020-06-08 20:01:43 日记 我要投稿



  This morning, it was grey. Lying in the warm quilt, I heard my grandmother say to my mother, "it snowed last night." I immediately rub my eyes to get up and look out of the window, wow! It's snowing in the distance!

  我们楼对面的.空地上,本是连绵起伏、坑坑洼洼的土堆,可一下雪就不一样了。那里的土堆变成了一座座白色的“小城堡”,还挺好看的呢!马路变得焕然一新,这也是雪的功劳,雪融化后,把 路面冲洗的干干净净。雪落在树上,就像结了一朵朵雪白的棉花,給光秃秃的树枝添加了不少风采……

  In the open space opposite our building, it was originally a continuous and pothole mound of earth, but when it snowed, it was different. The mound there has become a white "little castle". It's very beautiful! The road has become a new one, which is also the contribution of snow. After the snow melts, the road surface is washed clean. The snow falls on the trees like white cotton, adding a lot of grace to the bare branches.


  Ah! This is really a good snow! It moistens the dry land in time and purifies the air. I love the snow!


  I improvised a children's song called "snowed". "It's snowing. It's snowing. The road has changed. The trees are white and the roads are new. My friends and I are so happy. "