

时间:2020-06-10 19:20:28 日记 我要投稿



  Today is April Fool's day. I'm the representative of English class in my class. I've learned from my teacher. I'm going to dictate today!

  于是,我心急火燎的告诉了大家。 “别听她的,今天是愚人节!”一个同学起哄说道,“哦—”大家像是明白似的意味深长的看了我一眼。我无辜的坐下开始背单词。

  So I told you in a hurry. "Don't listen to her, it's April Fool's Day!" one of the students said noisily, "Oh -" everyone looked at me as if they understood. I sat down innocently and began to memorize words.


  In English class, the teacher asked us to take out paper for dictation. They took a surprised look at the noisy classmate. The classmate said innocently, "let's say it's April Fool's day."