

时间:2020-06-12 15:23:00 日记 我要投稿


  晚饭过后,我主动要洗碗妈妈同意了。我先把碗放到盆里,放一些水,在到一些洗涤剂。我按妈妈说的先筷子,再洗碗,这样饭粒不会粘在碗上。洗完第一遍后,我把碗筷再放进水里刷一遍。然 后小心翼翼地将碗放到碗柜里,这是我第一次帮妈妈洗碗,有些手忙脚乱。我洗的很干净,妈妈夸奖了我,以后还要帮妈妈做一些力所能及的事。

  After dinner, I offered to wash the dishes and my mother agreed. First, I put the bowl in the basin, put some water, and put some detergent in it. I use chopsticks first and then wash the dishes as my mother said, so that the rice won't stick to the bowl. After the first wash, I put the chopsticks into the water and brush them again. Then carefully put the dishes in the cupboard. This is my first time to help my mother wash the dishes. I'm in a hurry. I washed it very clean, and my mother praised me. In the future, I will help my mother to do something within my power.