

时间:2020-06-16 12:02:50 日记 我要投稿



  "It rained in succession in the Qingming season, and pedestrians on the road wanted to break their souls. Ask where the restaurant is. The shepherd boy points to Xinghua village. " This poem reminds me of my grandfather who died last year. This year Qingming, my father and mother took me back to my hometown to visit my grandfather who was sleeping in the ground. Diary 100 words


  After more than an hour's walk, I finally came to Grandpa's cemetery. My mother took out the snacks she had brought, and there were my grandfather's favorite cookies - carefully placed in front of the tombstone. I held a bunch of flowers in my hand and put them in front of the tombstone, saying, "Grandpa, this is the flower I carefully selected for you. Do you like it?" Dad put a long string of red firecrackers around the cemetery, and then lit the lead. My mother took me to hide by a pine tree. I covered my ears tightly, but I still heard the deafening sound of firecrackers. The usually cold and clean cemetery suddenly became lively. If Grandpa knew, how happy he would be!


  Next, we kowtow to the public. Dad buttoned his head most devoutly, only to see him kneeling on his knees, his head pressed tightly to the ground, and he kowtowed his head three times. I also learned from my father and kowtowed to Grandpa three times.


  After sweeping the tomb, we are going down the mountain. Looking at the tombstone under the green pine and cypress, I thought to myself: Grandpa, rest in peace! I will come to see you again next Qingming Festival.