

时间:2020-06-11 00:01:16 日记 我要投稿


  今天我家杀鸡,可是为了抓这只鸡,腿都要断了! 爷爷跑去鸡房抓鸡,但这鸡可精了,它一看见爷爷过来就立马飞起来跑,爷爷想抓住这只鸡的腿,没想到它就用嘴巴啄爷爷的手,然后它就机智的跑了。

  Today, I killed a chicken at home, but in order to catch the chicken, my legs would break! Grandpa ran to the chicken house to catch the chicken, but the chicken was fine. As soon as he saw Grandpa coming, he immediately flew up and ran. Grandpa wanted to catch the leg of the chicken. Unexpectedly, he pecked grandpa's hand with his mouth, and then he ran smartly.

  我想到了一个好法子:把米放在地上,引鸡过来,在抓它。把米放在地上后鸡很快就被吸引了过来,我刚想抓它,它看见我的手伸了过来飞速的逃走了。我非常的生气,拼了命的`抓它,可它都能飞快的逃走,它跑到哪里我就追到哪里。过了一会儿,“追鸡大战”的结果出来了:我累得半死,鸡也累得半死。我们真死两败俱伤啊! 这时爷爷跑了过来轻松的抓到了鸡,果然姜还是老的辣啊!最后鸡被抓住了!

  I think of a good way: put rice on the ground, lead the chicken over and catch it. After rice was put on the ground, the chicken was soon attracted. I just wanted to catch it. It saw my hand stretched out and ran away. I'm very angry. I've tried my best to catch it, but it can run away quickly. I'll catch it wherever it goes. After a while, the result of "chasing chicken battle" came out: I was half dead tired, and so was the chicken. We were so defeated! At that time, Grandpa ran to catch the chicken easily. Sure enough, the ginger was still hot! Finally, the chicken was caught!